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Tag Archives: self-publish

Thursday August 20th 2009 – self-publishing blog diary

Five months have passed since my last blog and I’ve almost forgotten how to do them. I can’t believe that at one point I was doing these on a daily basis. So what’s new in the publishing world? More returns – so I am thinking of remaindering Halfway to Venus – poor love – does…
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Monday March 23rd – Self publishing blog diary

I’m increasingly thinking of Venus as last year’s project … however still have to do a VAT return and I had to send a cheque to Central my distributors because of all the returns. The system is really skewed when bookshops can send back returns indefinitely – it means no one – publisher, author, distributor…
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Friday February 6th 2009 – Self publishing blog diary

Another long gap – but until last weekend Venus seemed to have been sleeping. However there was a review in last weekend’s Mail on Sunday by Kathryn Hughes – 8 months after publication. But it was a much-needed boost and was due to Marilyn Warnick at the MOS to whom I belatedly sent the book….
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Saturday December 13th – 2008 – Self Publishing blog diary

Did boring things like the VAT return last week. Christmas sales of Venus have been dire – Amazon keeps flagging up ‘more on the way’ – but neither Bertram’s or Gardner’s figures change. Very mysterious. I have spoken to the agent, Melissa, in New York; she was enthusiastic and said that someone else in the…
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Wednesday November 26th, 2008 – Self-publishing blog diary

I sent out a page of reviews to about 100 bookshops in the hope that they might order in Venus for Christmas. This was about 3 weeks ago and since then there have been more returns than sales so I think it might have backfired – reminding booksellers that there was an unsold copy in…
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Thursday October 30, 2008 – Self-publishing blog diary

There was a review in the Church Times written by Lavinia Byrne a few weeks ago – so things are still happening. I’m torn between still trying to push Venus and getting on with my new ideas. I’m certainly painting and drawing more – and will soon start putting some of my paintings on to…
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September 20th – Halfway to Venus – a self-publishing diary

The sales of Venus are pretty slow but I’m still getting very positive responses from people who hear about it, buy it and read it. I did an interview with Conscious TV a couple of weeks ago and I’m hoping  the link works here. I’ve been approaching American publishers – so far one rejection but…
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Self-publishing blog diary – August 10th

I’ve just updated my Contact an Author site – maybe one day it will produce a talk or something? I have recently put my flat on the market – so that is the recent publicity I’ve been getting (rather than for the book) – all because of the film Notting Hill. I’m still having problems…
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Monday August 4th – Self-publishing blog diary

Have talked to an agent about foreign rights. She was positive – but until something actually happens I’m not going to think about it. She only does foreign language so I will have to the US myself – I am beginning to accumulate contacts and am sending out feelers to America. The publicity keeps coming…
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Monday July 7th – Self-publishing blog diary

Halfway to Venus is ‘Book of the Month’ in Good Housekeeping magazine. I still haven’t made the decision to do a reprint – but in the Bookseller today it says that Butler and Tanner have been saved by Felix Dennis. Sales seem to have come to a bit of a stop – in fact the…
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