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Thursday August 20th 2009 – self-publishing blog diary

Five months have passed since my last blog and I’ve almost forgotten how to do them. I can’t believe that at one point I was doing these on a daily basis. So what’s new in the publishing world? More returns – so I am thinking of remaindering Halfway to Venus – poor love – does she deserve it? But the good news is that my agent in New York has been back in touch – there was an even longer silence from her than there has been ref my blogging … She didn’t have anything very positive to say – but its good to know she hasn’t forgotten me. Nothing much else to report except that here I am looking for a project – a year since Venus and although I’m busy – nothing has really grabbed me. Oh yes I had an e-mail from someone in the States telling me that her physio had heard Venus talked about on National Public Radio – and that they had tracked me down via Amazon.