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Wednesday November 26th, 2008 – Self-publishing blog diary

I sent out a page of reviews to about 100 bookshops in the hope that they might order in Venus for Christmas. This was about 3 weeks ago and since then there have been more returns than sales so I think it might have backfired – reminding booksellers that there was an unsold copy in the shop – which they then promptly returned! Anyway I refuse to get downhearted about it – I feel that it’s out there now – and rather like a child you have to let it go. And who knows who might find it. Byron Rogers chose Venus as one of his books of the year in the Spectator – do people buy books on the strength of that? I gave a talk to the Women’s Petroleum Club recently – somebody had dropped out at the last minute and I was able to do it. It was at the University Women’s Club – and I sold several books afterwards. However my BIG and EXCITING news is that a New York agent has taken Venus on. I know that’s NOT a publisher and that times are hard etc etc – but nonetheless it’s very exciting.