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Tag Archives: Tabernacle

Tabernacle exhibition

I am having a joint exhibition at the Tabernacle from May 9th-13th. This came about as I met my four fellow exhibitors courses we all did at the Royal Drawing School. They ran a series of courses on painters who had painted in London – Hogarth, Turner and Blake – hence the theme of our exhibition….
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Exhibition over ..

My exhibition at the Tabernacle has finished – it went really well and I sold lots! People went on being very complimentary and continued to say that my paintings made people feel happy – which really is the best thing anyone could say. There is also something very gratifying about seeing one’s work en masse and hanging…
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Exhibition date change

Just a short post for all those waiting on tenterhooks for my exhibition!! I have changed the date – it will no longer be in September. It will still be at the Tabernacle – but the new date is Tuesday November 10th through November 14th.

Autumn show

Very rashly I’ve booked the gallery at the Tabernacle for another exhibition in late September. I know from past experience that booking a space is a very good way to keep painting … and although there will probably be a cross section of paintings I feel that the main body of work will be to do…
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End of exhibition

I can’t believe that the exhibition which has taken up so much of my thought space for so long is finally over. It went really well – the Tabernacle is a great place to have  a show. Extremely friendly and nice staff – and a very good cafe and restaurant – so people coming to…
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Still time to come to my exhibition at the Tabernacle, 34-35 Powis Square, W11 2AY. I should be there from 10 until about 8pm today – Thursday 14th – and from 10 until 6pm Friday 15th and from 10 until 4pm on Saturday 16th when I shall be taking it down – and maybe selling…
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Another exhibition

Sod’s law – but flattering nonetheless … I have been asked to submit 6 pictures to an exhibition in aid of the hospice at St John and St Elizabeth’s Hospital. The date? The week of November 11th – 19th –  the same week as my own exhibition at the Tabernacle.  Talk about London buses coming…
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