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Tag Archives: Hogarth

Tabernacle exhibition

I am having a joint exhibition at the Tabernacle from May 9th-13th. This came about as I met my four fellow exhibitors courses we all did at the Royal Drawing School. They ran a series of courses on painters who had painted in London – Hogarth, Turner and Blake – hence the theme of our exhibition….
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Drawings inspired by Hogarth

Its a really nice idea to follow an artist round the galleries and houses of London looking at their paintings and drawings  – living in London we are very spoilt – here are a selection of the drawings I did.  Bust of Hogarth by Roubiliac – NPG    The Distressed Poet – Hogarth’s House  Mrs…
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Hogarth and drawing

Last week I finished a course on Hogarth which I did at the Prince’s (recently renamed Royal) Drawing School. I loved it. We saw prints and drawings by Hogarth at Tate Britain, the National Gallery, Hogarth’s House, the Draper’s Hall and also went to Somerset House and Westfield (!) and drew from them. Westfield as it is…
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