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Tag Archives: Paintings

Exhibition Aftermath

Back from Aldeburgh where the exhibition went fairly well. It was busiest during the weekend since both the poetry festival and the documentary film festival were happening – except people did seem to be rushing from one event to another. The opening on Saturday was well attended – but only half a bottle of wine…
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En route to Aldeburgh

Sitting here hoping that I’ve remembered everything to take to Aldeburgh. My hallway is full of paintings, cards, calendars, materials for hanging etc etc. My car will be laden … So much to think about … This time next week will be the last day of the exhibition – Aldeburgh Arts Gallery, 143 High Street, Aldeburgh IP15…
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Exhibition paintings

I am starting to upload the paintings that will be in the exhibition in Aldeburgh. I have started with the paintings that will be in the 2019 calendar – animals and birds from the Galapagos. (for some reason it says there are 13 paintings in this album. Not sure where the extra month came from!)…
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New exhibition

I am going to have an exhibition of my paintings in Aldeburgh in Suffolk at the beginning of November during the poetry festival which is over the weekend of November 2nd. This is exciting but also rather daunting – I need to produce around forty framed pictures which I will need to sell as I…
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Autumn show

Very rashly I’ve booked the gallery at the Tabernacle for another exhibition in late September. I know from past experience that booking a space is a very good way to keep painting … and although there will probably be a cross section of paintings I feel that the main body of work will be to do…
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Paintings at Book and Kitchen

Some of my Indian paintings are on sale at Book and Kitchen, 31 All Saints Road, W11 1HE (020 3417 8266) – and the calendars that I had made from some of them are also for sale there – priced at £7.99. Now that that exhibition is over I am concentrating more on writing and…
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