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Monday February 4th – Self-publishing blog diary

Fiddle with things over weekend – obviously NOT going to be able to do Wikipedia which – probably quite rightly – has a filter getting rid of anything vaguely commercial. There are probably ways round this but they’re beyond me at the moment. It turns out Bookforce (who are doing my proofs) left their London offices on Friday – they didn’t let me know – but due to some intensive detective work I track them down to Grantham – but I have NO idea when I shall see the finished proofs. I e-mail various websites who I have been told about – they all want to see proofs … I also e-mail the big chains – Waterstones & Borders want to see proofs too. I start doing a massive e-mail to independent bookshops – but think its too early to send yet. But it will be good to have it waiting. The publicist I went to see says she won’t be able to let me know about a proposal until next week. My Venus Facebook group now has 52 members …