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Monday February 11th – Self-publishing blog diary

I’ve now got a distributor – Central Books – and a publicist – Midas. So I feel somewhat more in control. Still no proofs from Bookforce – but I woke last Wednesday night and thought about their estimate – which was for 130 pages – the book is 260 – and I had thought that’s because they did double pages – but I had a panic that maybe he’d only got one of my PDF files – I sent them in 2 different e-mails – 130 pages in each. And I was right – he hadn’t got both files – so a relief that they hadn’t been done. So that’s sorted and he hopes to print them tomorrow. Over the weekend and today I managed to get to the R’s in my bookshop database – over 900 so far … The Venus group has 62 members – my brother asked all of his Facebook friends to join – and many have. I’d like other people to ask all of their friends to join too.