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Self-publishing diary – 19 Feb

Rupert arrives on the dot of 10 and he films me in the bookshop for YouTube – it goes pretty well I think – very few re-takes. Then – guess what – the proofs arrive BUT only 50 copies – not the 70 I’d asked for and there had been a panic this morning about the size of the cover I’d provided as a JPG – so I end up getting the books with a plain white cover. Then like a real cottage industry I spend the afternoon – sticking a postcard on the front of each and a label with ‘Uncorrected Proof – embargoed’. I send out 5 copies to Borders, Waterstones, Blackwells and 2 internet sites. Most of the rest I am taking to Midas tomorrow. Antony also sends back the index – so rather a satisfactory day.