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Friday January 11th – Self-publishing blog diary

The proofs have arrived from Antony, the designer. I print them out – 260 pages. So this is what the book will look like. I can’t believe its already got to this stage. I started thinking about this book about 12 years ago and suddenly its all coming together. A panicky moment when I think I could have worked on it more – but you have to stop somewhere and now seems to be the right time to launch it out into the world. I get 6 sets photocopied to send out to people who have requested galleys – but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to send most reviewers finished copies. Its just that magazines have a 4 month lead date. My incredibly kind sister Liz says she’ll proof read it for me and comes round to collect a set. I suddenly realise that I haven’t done anything about the back cover – so I cobble one together and send it off to Nick the cover designer.