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Zoffany evening

I do hope that you will be able to come to this – limited places on the evening – but the paintings will be up for a while afterwards 

Book and Kitchen,
31 All Saints Road,
W11 1HE
020 3417 8266

Zoffany in India

with Penelope Treadwell and Sarah Anderson


Thursday 23 October
Ticket price £5*

<b379c008-4143-444a-a450-9cd5673ecaa3.jpg>6:30 – 9:00 pm

An evening of art and discussion about the life of Zoffany in India and the influence he continues to have today
Penny and Sarah met in India in 2005 on a journey which followed in the footsteps of 18th century British artists. At the time Penny was writing her acclaimed book on Johan Zoffany, one of these artists, which was published in 2009.
The evening will begin with Penny talking about her years of research and include much anecdotal material which had to be left out of the final book – for example the romances, illness, dangers and heavy drinking that went on in the Subcontinent – the talk will be illustrated with slides. Penny and Sarah will then talk about their own journey and Sarah will explain how Zoffany’s paintings inspired some of her own work – which you can see around you. Other British artists who were in Calcutta at the time will be included in the evening.
Johan Zoffany – Read a short biography of Zoffany*Ticket price deducted from any purchase

Penelope Treadwell
Penelope  has worked as a journalist, television presenter, teacher and art historian during her career, gaining Masters degrees in 18th-century English Literature (University of London) and Art History (Courtauld Institute of Art, London). During the 1990s, she lived in Johan Zoffany’s former house on Strand-on-the-Green in Chiswick, London, where she started on a ten-year journey that traced Zoffany’s artistic (and actual) footsteps, painstakingly reassessing existing scholarship and bringing to light important new discoveries of her own. Photo by John de Oliveira, 2009
Sarah Anderson
Sarah founded the Travel Bookshop in 1979 – later to become world famous due to the film Notting Hill. She finally left the shop in 2004 and since then has started Umbrella Books in order to combine her three great passions: travel, books and painting. She has written four books – Anderson’s Travel CompanionInside Notting Hill, The Virago Book of Spirituality and Halfway to Venus.
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