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Halfway to Venus (Sunday Times)


In 1957, aged 10, Anderson’s childhood was abruptly brought to an end when she was diagnosed as having cancerous lumps in her arm. A prominent surgeon amputated the limb, a procedure that, Anderson later found out, may not have been necessary. Halfway to Venus tells of her struggle to accept the loss of part of…
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Halfway to Venus (dovegreyreader)


‘My mother closed the door and turned towards me, and without saying anything, she made a chopping motion with her right hand above her left elbow. I thought my world had come to an end.’ So I’m wittering on about knitting and quilting on the same day that I am reading Sarah Anderson’s truly remarkable…
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Halfway to Venus Review (Telegraph)


As a child, writer Sarah Anderson had her arm amputated. Her stiff-upper-lip family never spoke of the trauma – and nor did she. Denial came at a cost, she tells Cassandra Jardine Shortly before Sarah Anderson’s 10th birthday, the first lump was found just below the elbow of her left arm. For the next seven…
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Inside Notting Hill (Mail on Sunday)


Sarah Anderson, co-author with Miranda Davies of Inside Notting Hill, has a particular place in the story of this London district. It was to her Travel Bookshop that Richard Curtis came for inspiration for his film Notting Hill, which went on to feature Hugh Grant as the owner of a bookshop visited by Julia Roberts….
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